Culture and public
activities in Irkutsk

The best-known Irkutsk music groups are "Printsip Neopredelennosti", (Principle
of Indefinity, whose music has appeared in the top Russian charts) - rock, "Belyi
Ostrog" (White Fort) - rock, and "Chyorno-belye Snimki" (Black-White
Snapshots) - progressive music. If you know of any web links related to these
groups, or RealAudio/video clips available on-line, please let us know.
Black-White Snapshots MP3!
Rycari Lishennye Nasledstva MP3!
Night Club "Pyatyi Ugol" ("5th Corner")
ulica Dekabrskikh Sobytii", 125, Tel.: 271041
Progressive electronic music, youth and students.
- Wednesday - vocal American house, trip hop, atmospheric drum&bass;
- Friday - progressive house, speed
garage, jungle, drum&bass;
- Saturday - progressive house, speed
garage, jungle, drum&bass, break beat,
techno, NRG, acid;
- Sunday (chill out) - AMBEND, trip hop, drum&bass, acid-jazz.
Website in Russian
Your links and materials about local activites (clubs, hobbies, KVN,
meetings, rock concerts, or whatever) are very welcome!
© 1998, 1999 Fedor Babanine (