Panorama of Irkutsk from the TV
Map of Irkutsk Region and Baikal Lake by Expedia
Distances between
Irkutsk and world cities
image of Irkutsk, Low resolution (275K)
Satellite image of Irkutsk, High resolution (see information box to the right)
Layout of city districts (187K)
image of the Irkutsk area (58K)
district "Akademgorodok" (147K)
to Listvyanka, Baikal shore (74K)
of Listvyanka, Baikal shore (97K)
Detailed layout of city districts (53K)
Physical map of Irkutsk Oblast (81K)
Satellite image of Irkutsk (123K, Date
Acquired:06-DEC-2000, Upper Left Latitude: 52.1884, Upper Left
Longitude:104.4552, Upper Right Latitude: 52.1854, Upper Right Longitude:
104.2797, Lower Right Latitude: 52.2716, Lower Right Longitude: 104.2786,
Lower Left Latitude: 52.2747, Lower Left Longitude: 104.4561, Sun
Azimuth: 168.1676, Sun Elevation: 14.6022, Satellite Tilt Angle: 69.2442)
photo (south Baikal and Irkutsk) (4510K)
Source: NASA
Earth from Space
Map | to view | to print |
Irkutsk downtown, colour map | JPG, 206 K | PDF, 455 K |
Sightseeing in downtown Irkutsk, colour, English | See below | PDF, 556 K |
Transport map of Irkutsk downtown, black & white | JPG, 456 K | PDF, 642 K |
map of the left coast area (including Akademgorodok), black & white |
JPG, 469 K | PDF, 125 K |
Sightseeing locations in the center of Irkutsk (Click
with right button to open in new window) (348K) (printable copy with legend
- PDF, 556 K)
Legend for use with Sightseeing map
1. Young Pioneers Palace - 5 ulitsa Zhelyabova 2. Memorial to the Soviet People's Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-45 3. The house where Sergei Kirov lived illegally in 1909 - 2 ulitsa Khalturina 4. The building where Jaroslav Haiek worked in 1920 - 22 ulitsa Karia Marksa 5. The Decembrists' House-Museum (Sergei Trubetskoy's house) - 64 ulitsa Dzerzhinskogo 6. Regional Fine Arts Museum - 5 ulitsa Lenina 7. Branch of the Regional Fine Arts Museum - 23 ulitsa Karia Marksa 8. Nature Museum - 13 ulitsa Karia Marksa 9. Museum of Regional Studies - 2 ulitsa Karia Marksa 10. Statue of Lenin 11. Irkutsk Regional Library - 23 ulitsa Chekhova 12. Scientific Library of Irkutsk State University (Bely Dom) - 24 buivar Gagarina |
13. Youth Theatre - 13 ulitsa Lenina 14. The Okhiopkov Drama Theatre - 14 ulitsa Karia Marksa 15. Philharmonic Society - 2 ulitsa Dzerzhinskogo 16. Musical Comedy Theatre - 23 ulitsa Lenina 17. Monument to the Builders of the Trans-Siberian Railway - buivar Gagarina 18. House of Friendship with Peoples of Foreign Countries - 54 ulitsa Lenina 19. Circus - 13 ulitsa Proletarskaya 20. Planetarium - 8 ulitsa Pyatoy Armii 21. Palace of Sports - 48 ulitsa Lenina 22. Arktika Restaurant - 26 ulitsa Karia Marksa 23. Arts and Crafts Centre - 36 ulitsa Dzerzhinskogo 24. Monument to Valerian Kuibyshev — ulitsa Karia Marksa 25. Angara Hotel - 7 ulitsa Sukhe-Batora 26. Sibir Hotel - 18 ulitsa Lenina 27. Gornyak Hotel - 21 ulitsa Lenina |
28. Podarki (gifts) - 35 ulitsa Karia Marksa 29. Radiotovary (radios, etc.) - 37 ulitsa Karia Marksa 30. Kulttovary (household goods) - 39 ulitsa Karia Marksa 31. Melodia (musical records) - 41 ulitsa Karia Marksa 32. Suveniry (souvenirs) - 23 ulitsa Karia Marksa 33. Sporttovary (sporting goods). Rodnik (books) - I ulitsa Litvinova 34. Almaz (jewellery) - 17 ulitsa Sukhe-Batora 35. Zoologicheski (pets) - 18 ulitsa Karia Marksa 36. Politicheskaya kniga (political books) - 20 ulitsa Karia Marksa 37. Znaniye (books) - 15 ulitsa Lenina 38. Rechnoi vokzal (Boat Station), Zvioizdochka (Little Star) Pier 39. Aeroflot - 29 ulitsa Gorkogo |
Comfortable trains pass through Irkutsk on the Trans-Siberian Railroad:
Moscow-Vladivostok |
Niigata/Japan - Irkutsk N/A weekly Anchorage - Khabarovsk - Irkutsk Aeroflot 2 times a week Seattle - Khabarovsk - Irkutsk Aeroflot 2 times a week
Highly recommended flights are Frankfurt - Moscow - Irkutsk (about USD 800 roundtrip, USD 600 for students) with Transaero air company. Good service and reliabilty.
Domestic airlines
Irkutsk - Moscow Moscow - Irkutsk Irkutsk-St.Peterburg St.Peterburg-Irkutsk Irkutsk-Khabarovsk Khabarovsk-Irkutsk Irkutsk-Yakutsk Yakutsk-Irkutsk Irkutsk-Novosibirsk Novosibirsk-Irkutsk Irkutsk-Vladivostok Vladivostok-Irkutsk Irkutsk-Magadan Magadan-Irkutsk
Check or CAVS for schedule, prices and reservations
We recommend this quick and reliable Visum service (no invitation required) by:
Viktor Spomer Konsular Service Postfach 1449 53584 Bad Honnef
There are many bus routes between the small suburban towns and Irkutsk city. The main routes are to Angarsk (every day) and to Listvyanka/Lake Baikal (every 2 hours).
You can reach any small railway station near Irkutsk via these trains.
There are a number of hydrofoil routes down the river Angara and up to Lake Baikal. They run only in the summer time.
Click here for a city map.
BUSES, TROLLEY BUSES (electric buses), and TRAMS (on
operate on an honour system. Tickets (called "taloni") are the same
for all three and can be purchased in a 10-pack from the driver, at kiosks situtated
near bus stops, and at some other kiosks. To validate your ticket, slide it
into the top of one of the devices mounted on the walls, and punch it. During
the day, especially in the city centre, these forms of transportation can get
extremely crowded. People often pass their tickets through the crowd to someone
standing near a punching device. If you are handed a ticket, please pass it
along or punch it and pass it back, as appropriate.
If you travel without a ticket and an inspector catches you, you will be fined 20,000 rubles. (Make sure to get a receipt when you pay the fine.)
Tram numbers are posted on small signs hanging on wires above the street. Trams stop in the middle of the street, but you can wait on the sidewalk. When a tram approaches, cars are obliged to stop and wait for passengers getting on and off the tram.