There are comfortable trains through Irkutsk on the TransSiberian Railroad:
- Moscow - Beijing; - Moscow - UlanBator; - Moscow - Vladivostok; Also Irkutsk - Moscow; All trains are express trains and run every day.For more detailed information look at Siberian Railway Guide
The most important flight connections to Irkutsk are:
Niigata/Japan - Irkutsk N/A weekly Anchorage - Khabarovsk - Irkutsk Aeroflot 2 times a week Seattle - Khabarovsk - Irkutsk Aeroflot 2 times a week
You can get to Irkutsk with Aeroflot (TU-154) or Transaero (BOING-757) over Moscow from almost everywhere in the world. Highly recommended flights are Frankfurt - Moscow - Irkutsk (about USD 800 roundtrip, USD 600 for students) and New-York - Irkutsk with Transaero. Good service and reliabilty. Irkutsk - Moscow Moscow - Irkutsk N N flight local days of price (in $) flight from at days of week time week 146 0830 1,5 250/300/350 145 2000 0650 4,7 9741 1100 6 131 2130 0810 daily 130 0905 exc.3 129 1145 2200 exc.3 146 1950 daily 121 1745 0535 1,3,5 116 1020 exc.4,7 330/450/540 116 2210 0850 exc.3,7
Irkutsk-St.Peterburg St.Peterburg-Irkutsk 3741 1540 2,4,6 310 3742 2050 0950 2,4,6 8592 2130 3 310 8593 0840 2115 3(from 18/6) 8594 0945 4 310 8595 2140 1935 5 8598 0945 1 310 8597 0830 2115 7 8591 2000 0830 2
Irkutsk-Khabarovsk Khabarovsk-Irkutsk 3858 2200 daily 169 3864 1050 4,7 169 863A 0930 1050 3,6 3830 1235 3 169 5909 2345 3,7 165 5910 1925 2050 1,4 6139 1010 2,4,6 171/209 6140 1625 1750 2,6 3015 0745 6 165 3015 1950 2115 6 3019 2230 3 165
Irkutsk-Yakutsk Yakutsk-Irkutsk 3996 1645 1,3,5,6 220 3995 1300 1445 1,3,5 8593 2230 3 102
Irkutsk-Novosibirsk Novosibirsk-Irkutsk 3274 1830 daily 160 3273 0205 0620 daily 3829 1935 2 133 3167 1300 1725 2 6010 1550 2,4,7 145 6009 0930 1410 2,4,7 5910 0905 1,4 130 5909 1815 2230 3 4145 1620 1,5 140 1593 1800 2240 4 8788 1555 3 145 8787 1840 2305 2 4102 1615 2030 4
Irkutsk-Vladivostok Vladivostok-Irkutsk 3493 1435 7 230 5719 1005 2,6 191 5720 1735 1930 2,6 8591 0950 3 192 8592 1810 2020 3 3273 0740 daily 230 3274 1505 1715 daily 3015 0745 6 192 3016 1730 2115 6
Irkutsk-Magadan Magadan-Irkutsk 4102 2200 3,7 306 4145 1330 1440 1,5 8597 2230 7 306 8598I 0720 0830 1
All times are local times (UTC+9 hours)
Check for schedule, prices and reservation
Viktor Spomer Konsular Service Postfach 1449 53584 Bad Honnef
There are a lot of bus routes between the small suburban towns and Irkutsk city. The main routes are to Angarsk (every day) and to Listvyanka (every 2 hours). The last one is to lake Baikal.
You can reach any small railway station near Irkutsk.